Collège | Lycée Jean XXIII

The Jean XXIII High School-College is located in a rural area in Quintin, a town with about 3,000 inhabitants in Côtes d'Armor (Brittany, France). It is a combined middle school and high school with 1,100 students, of whom 750 are middle schoolers. These students are supported by 115 adults, including teachers, aides for the education of disabled students, educators and supervisors, catering staff, and maintenance personnel. Many students are transported by bus.

An Adapted General and Professional Education (EGPA) program is offered, with integrated courses in general classes starting from the first year of middle school. Some of these students board at the school due to distance or family circumstances (placement, court decisions).

The educational project involves the civic construction of students through openness to the universal. The institution has received the academic Euroscol label. It has also been awarded the E3D label (Sustainable Development School) at the regional level for its commitment.

Jean 23


The Franco-Polish Association Côtes d'Armor Warmia and Mazury (ACAWM), a partner of the Côtes d'Armor Departmental Council, aims to foster European fraternity through projects and bilateral exchanges of decentralized cooperation between the Warmia and Mazury region and the Côtes d'Armor department. Created in 1982, its goal is to "promote all actions of cooperation in all fields between Warmia Mazury and the Côtes d'Armor department." The Association supports several structures in Côtes d'Armor in submitting European projects. The association consists of one full-time employee, one part-time employee, and a network of 50 members who volunteer for the organization, 14 of whom are part of the Board of Directors.

Primary School No. 2

Pasłęk is located in the Warmia and Mazury region in northern Poland, 60 km from the regional capital Olsztyn. The area is predominantly rural, with a very high unemployment rate. Primary School No. 2 in Pasłęk is a small school, consisting of preschool sections hosting 99 children aged 3 to 6 and a primary school - middle school (following the 2019 reform of the Polish education system) with 426 students aged 7 to 15, supervised by 38 teachers. About 50% of the students come from rural areas. The school is located on the outskirts of the town. Students living outside Pasłęk are transported to the school by a school bus.

The institution also offers many specialized and therapeutic activities, as well as activities that develop students' interests. Participation is free, and all willing and needy students can take part. The school participates in activities organized within the local community.

Partners of the project


Small-scale Partnerships

This project is a Small-scale Partnership, which aims to broaden access to the program for small-scale actors and individuals in school education, adult education, vocational training, youth, and sport. By offering lower grants, shorter durations, and simpler administrative requirements compared to Cooperation Partnerships, small-scale partnerships target grassroots and less experienced organizations, as well as newcomers to the program, thus reducing barriers for those with smaller capacities. It supports flexible formats that combine transnational and national activities with a European dimension, enabling better outreach to people with fewer opportunities. Additionally, these partnerships foster the creation of transnational networks and synergies between local, regional, national, and international policies.

Objectives of this Action:

- Attract and widen access for newcomers, less experienced organisations and small-scale actors to the programme. These partnerships should act as a first step for organisations into cooperation at European level.

- Support the inclusion of target groups with fewer opportunities

- Support active European citizenship and bring the European dimension to the local level

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